Wednesday, August 6, 2008

1st crochet project complete!

A few months ago I got it into my head that I need to learn to knit. Easier said then done. I don't know anyone who knits and can't find any classes. I got the basic idea but had some problems I was not overcoming easily. So I decided to try crocheting because I was getting frustrated. It is much easier so far to get consistent stitches though I am still in love with the more intricate designs you can get with knitting. I WILL continue knitting, but for now I am focusing more on crochet. With that said I started a baby afghan and got about 1/4 of the way through it when I realized I was doing it in hdc instead of dc. So the blanket was too thick and I just could not live with it so I am starting this over again! Blech! But I found and found a really cute hat pattern there that claimed to be easy. To my surprise it was! It also came out really cute (despite the fact that my balloon head model makes it look a little off). The pattern designer is thnkdfrent. She also has some other patterns I plan to try in the future. To finish this hat off I purchased the button from user Gingerbells Gifts. Both great sellers and this was a really fun project for a beginner like me because I feel like I actually accomplished something with this craft. Thanks a lot wonderful etsy users! Now time to finish the baby afghan of doom! I also am planning to start crocheting some pieces for charity soon. I am very excited about all of this. It feels great to actually be creating again!

1st Birthday

Okay so this is very late news but my daughter had her first birthday. I decided to be extra crafty and make both of her cakes. It was kind of a debauchle. I made a chocolate layer cake and a Winnie-the-Pooh cake just from a plain funfetti mix. The chocolate cake was Hershey's Perfectly Chocolate cake which I had eaten before and was delicious. However neither of mine rose so they had to be trashed. I had to end up making chocolate cake mixes because by 6:00 p.m. I hadn't even begun to decorate the Winnie-the-Pooh cake. The chocolate butter cream was a recipe I basically made up and did not come out terrific but was still tasty, though could have been thinner. Winnie-the-Pooh was more hassle than I had originally thought it would be. It probably would have been easier if I had made all the colors at the same time. Or if I had an assistant that could make them for me! heh I didn't purchase the Wilton colors, I just used regular old food coloring which made it more time consuming to get the colors I wanted and they never did come out just right. A lot of the frosting for Pooh was also too thin and didn't hold its shape too well. But! The cakes were a hit at the party and the party was a hit too. Evan did fall asleep half way through the party but we thought it best so she would be in a good mood for smash cake and presents. She missed out on swimming with all of her cousins but it was just as well. Oh I almost forgot. Instead of making a separate smash cake, after we sang Happy Birthday we simply decapitated Pooh bear and it was really just the perfect size cake for her. Although she daintily scraped all the frosting off to eat instead of digging in and smashing it! She got lots of great presents including homemade hair bows from her Aunt, a homemade tutu which she actually kept on for the rest of the party and lots of lighty up noisy making toys! All said and done it was a great family day and a great day for my daughter. As a bonus I also learned some lessons and realized I really need to work on my writing with frosting skills (see chocolate layer cake). But with no classes or anything I think I did pretty well! Yea me and yea to my big 1 year old girl!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Everyone is a socialist or a leech now eh? (Huge rant)

Apparently Obama and Clinton are both socialists now. Do I care? Not really. Because I didn't plan on voting for either of them. Nor do I plan on voting for McCain. Once again, due to my inability to get on board with our corrupt government I will probably opt out of participating because NO ONE in this election speaks for me. I do not vote just to vote. Isn't my vote supposed to represent me? Anyways, I don't think socialism is the answer if that is indeed the case with Obama. However, I have seen a lot of posts regarding this topic and what I see in them is a lot of bitching from higher class people about lower class people being leeches. So the truth finally comes out. You are all a bunch of classists! I find this line of thinking highly offensive. And let me just come right out and say, YES I am considered poor by most standards. But my family are not leeches, and while being poor has obvious setbacks such as a lack of proper health care, difficulty paying bills and buying nutritious food. I personally believe that my struggle will make me a better person in the end. Starting at the bottom and working my way up is not only character building, it will set a good example for my children that the American dream is still possible, that with hard work you can achieve your goals even if they never manifest themselves monetarily. Now, let me say this, my family does receive some assistance and my child will NOT suffer just because her parents are struggling right now. For anyone out there that thinks this is leeching fine, but seriously, do you think I am living the high life because I get this assistance? My family pays our bills, buys food, drives minimally and engages in almost no extra curricular activities. I have been to see 2 movies in more than a year. Once for fathers day and once because friends invited us. (They were both matinees ) We don't buy ourselves new clothing unless it is absolutely necessary (such as work shoes and pants for my husband) and up until a week ago the only new par of shoes I had in 2 years were a pair of 3 dollar flip flops from Wal-Mart. With all of that exorbitant spending we still struggle just to make ends meet. For anyone that thinks this is because we are lazy I will detail our history. I worked up until my daughter was born and we opted as a family for me to take the first year off of work and school to be with her. For anyone that thinks that is dumb it has been worth it no matter what because my daughter is ahead of the curve developmentally, she is extremely healthy and happy and that is what it was all about. Or would you prefer I release another leech into your midst? I will be returning to work in the coming weeks and returning to college as well. Now my husband, he is a full time college student and DEFINITELY a full time worker. He works a maximum of 40 hours a week at his regular job which is all they will allow at this moment in time because within the last few months they have laid off at least 6 people. He is not lucky to be around still, he deserves to be around still. He has worked there the least amount of time and has received sufficient raises in the last year and a half that he is making more money than the people who had been there years longer than him and got laid off first! He works 10-12 hour days and doesn't stop. His weekends are never not full of side work and odd jobs I am lucky if I see him 2-3 hours a night (if that) and if he gets a whole day off in any given week, which is rarely. All of that aside, what is it exactly that all of you rich assholes think you would do without all of the poor leeches in the world to bag your groceries, stock your shelves, sew your clothes etc.? Next time you're at the grocery store why don't you just hock a big loogie into the face of your checkout person since it has become apparent that's what you really think of them! A redistribution of wealth isn't fair. However, decent, hardworking poor people, shouldn't suffer because you think your wealth means you are more important. If all of the poor/middle class people in the US got together and decided to stay home for a week, the entire United States would come to a screeching halt. Imagine no one to deliver food to your grocery store, deliver gas to your local stations, build your homes, repair and service your vehicles, collect your garbage, clean your streets, serve or cook you food, I could write this list forever and ever. The people of this country need a little weight taken off their backs. Access to health care and healthy food etc. should not be a right of the rich. It should be a basic human right. I know some will argue that there are plenty of people in the world who go without those things and worse. I am not blind to that fact by any means. But the US in the past set an example for the rest of the world in some respects. If we are the greatest country in the world why can we not even take care of our own people?

Monday, July 14, 2008


In case anyone with kids hasn't checked out Kai Lan yet, my review is 5 stars. My daughter LOVES this show. We have tried Dora, Backyardigans, Tigger and Pooh, It's a Big Big World and Sesame Street. Only Kai Lan has really been of interest to her. Everything else she watches for 1-5 minutes and she's done. The themes of the shows are very cute. Kai Lan and her friends Rintoo, Tolee and HoHo learn about sharing, ways of dealing with anger and overcoming fears, patience and the importance of helping friends and taking responsibility for your actions just to name a few. All with the help of Kai Lan's grandfather who she calls Ye Ye. I personally don't find this show annoying unlike Dora. Although I must admit, having my child pick up some Spanish is probably more practical than learning Mandarin. My only problem now is that my daughters birthday is this week and I absolutely cannot find anything Kai Lan related for her. Currently there are only 13 episodes of Kai Lan in rotation (but we DVR anyways and play them at our convenience) and apparently no new episodes will be out until 2009. I'm not sure if thats accurate just something I read somewhere. I can't believe Nick didn't realize this show would be a hit. It kinda feels like they dropped the ball a bit. If I could only find a stuffed doll or something I would feel like my daughters birthday was complete. Hopefully by Christmas this year they will have released some merch. Just in case, I am going to try and crochet her a Kai Lan blanket or something to that effect in time for the holidays. P.S. I did manage to find a few items on eBay Kai Lan related but they are all handmade anyways so I figure why not just do it myself. Anyone out there got a hand on some Kai Lan swag plz drop me a line.